These are coming in fast.
On the heels of the fabulous Matchbox F Case, G has already rushed in. Wheel Collectors got their shipment today and you can find all the models here:
Matchbox 2016 Batch G at Wheel Collectors
This case obviously is not as licensed-model heavy as F, but there are a couple of models I am definitely interested in. As always, the dudes at Wheel Collectors picked a random case and documented its opening, 3-by-3:
So two models get multiples in this case, and the one licensed new model, the Ford Transit, is one of them. That is a good thing. Some other models of interest too, including the the white Alfa and the Moving Van with the Matchbox logo in Japanese.
And yes, the way the cards are arranged in the box is how they came. Very interesting, and I wonder if we will see that again.
What do you think of the case?
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