Alright, now that we are done with the Hot Wheels Datsun Wagon, we can put that to bed until its arrival in September.
And let's get to a new model that you can get now. Tomica Limited Vintage has released its batch for July, and it includes Daihatsu Midget single-seater (more on that one later this week), and another BMW, the E30 325i 4-door.
A lot of you have gotten on the TLV bandwagon of late, and we hope you are enjoying what you have bought from Japan Booster
We have a lot of work to do. Those Super Silhouette Skylines and Bluebird, as well as the three Machine RS models from Seibu Keisatsu should interest quite a few of you. But in time.
For now we have the BMW's, one in black and one in white, both 325i models, made to accompany the 318i 2-door models released earlier this summer.
The E30 BMW, as we have said before, is truly an iconic BMW, for many reasons. But one is its familiarity. It is what many folks will think of when BMW is mentioned. And for me, the 4-door is even more familiar.
Of course Tomica Limited Vintage tackles is perfectly. We were reading an article about TLV that mentioned what goes into making the highly accurate models. The TLV team likes to find a real version of the car they are interested in doing, and instead of just getting specs, they like to find the best example of the car they can and measure precisely. And as usual that attention to detail shows through with the BMW. We will let the photos do the talking.
And remember, both of these are available right now at Japan Booster
One other thing, for you TLV fans. Japan Booster has just created a website that serves two purposes. One, to serve as a TLV Catalog, and two, to sell PVC protectos for TLV boxes. As Japan Booster photographs models for their sales, they will also post the photos on the website. Now you have chance to see what most model look like thanks to the clear photos taken by the store. Check it out:
Japan Booster protecto sales and catalog
Tomica Limited Vintage BMW 325i 4-door:
With the 318i:
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